Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Loose Tooth.

Ah, the small excitement that a first loose tooth brings.  My youngest daughter has her first loose tooth.  She has been jumping for joy, giving us detailed updates.  And it made me think....  a simple wiggly tooth can make a 5 year old jump out of sheer delight.  The tooth fairy, the anticipation....  The simple things in life that are so easy to look past.  I try hard to realize this and appreciate the moment.

My daughter has devised a plan for me to rig a video camera so that we can film this "fairy" and try to figure out why she wants teeth anyways.  She has a whole studio set up in her mind.  I most likely will set something up when it does happen for her.  The lengths that we go through to propel an myth: a bad one at that...

So the bigger issue: what is the common rate a tooth fetches.  On one had, you don't want to drop a $20, but you also want to make sure that it is in line with all of their friends.  God forbid they think that somehow their tooth is less, which would lead to couch therapy 30 years from now.  "It all started when I only got $2 or my first tooth..."

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